
Saturday, November 11, 2006

Strength of WHY

Newton asked why and newton's law came into being. Buddha asked why and he attained nirvana. Mangal Pandey asked why and the struggle for Indian Freedom started.

Why originates from a mind that is eager to know. Why is the beginning of a revolutionary change. Often we are so used to something that we accept them as it is and never ask why. But if we stop for a little and ask why, we might find another view of the same thing. The sun rises in the east . In our grammer class we were taught that it is an eternal truth so it would always be in present tense(rises). But wait ,let us ask why the sun rises in the east. Is there a possibility that it is not true that sun rises in the east. Probably sun really does rise in the west. But there are lot of other things which we just accept and never raise a why. There are superstitions which have been followed for ages and was never asked a why.Satidaha(a custom in which the bride burns herself in her dead husbands pyre) was a social custom in India for a long time. Nobody ever asked why it was really performed until Raja Rammohan Roy . Raja Rammohan later successfully abolished that cruel custom and made it illegal.

Why has such a strength that it can bring radical chages. But why cannot be born where there is illiteracy, ignorance. Many people in the third world countries lead a worst quality of life because they never asked why. The farmer never asks why I am harvesting these crops when my family goes to bed empty stomach. The mason does not ask why I am building this five star hotel when rain drops trickle down my own roof.



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